Parent Teacher Association

At PS46, our PTA is driven by a clear and purposeful mission: to foster a strong and inclusive community that supports the success and well-being of every student. We believe that by working collectively, we can empower our children to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially, both in and outside of the classroom.

Our PTA's mission is to actively engage parents, teachers, staff, and community members in collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing education and enriching the overall school experience. Through dedicated volunteers and meaningful partnerships, we strive to create a vibrant environment where all stakeholders feel welcomed, valued, and empowered to make a positive impact.

We commit ourselves to the following key principles that guide our PTA's mission:

1. Advocate for Students: We advocate for the educational needs and rights of every student. We believe in fostering an inclusive, equitable, and safe learning environment that nurtures their individuality and enables them to reach their full potential.
2. Promote Parent-Teacher Collaboration: We foster strong partnerships between parents, teachers, and administrators to promote open lines of communication and create synergy in supporting students' growth and educational journey. We encourage active involvement of parents in their child's education and provide avenues for meaningful engagement.
3. Support Academic Achievement: We recognize the importance of academic excellence and aim to create an enriching educational environment. We support initiatives that enhance teaching and learning methods, provide resources, and encourage innovation to ensure the academic success of all students.

4. Encourage Well-being and Health: We prioritize the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of our students. We work to foster an environment that promotes healthy lifestyle choices, emotional resilience, and supportive relationships. We advocate for access to resources that address the diverse needs of our students.
5. Cultivate a Sense of Belonging: We strive to create a strong sense of belonging to foster a supportive and inclusive community for all. We celebrate diversity, embrace all backgrounds, and work towards eliminating barriers to participation. We believe that everyone has a unique contribution to make, and through collaboration, we will create a nurturing environment where all feel valued and respected.
Through our PTA's unwavering commitment to this mission, we aim to inspire greatness in our students, empower families, and strengthen the educational foundation of our community. Together, we can make a difference and create a vibrant MySchool experience where every student thrives.